Welcome to The Intention Church

Sunday Communion: 4 PM (eastern time)

TuESDAY Prayer: 7 PM (eastern time)

Bible Study: 1st & 3rd Thursdays at 7:30 PM (eastern time)

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Check out our latest message before the next Sunday gathering:

Join us on Sundays at 4pm (eastern)

Every Sunday at 4pm, we gather for communal sharing and discussion. Before you get there, you can check out the latest message so we have more to discuss. We encourage you to join from wherever you are, whether that’s with family, friends, neighbors, or solo.

It’s in the act of gathering that we find Jesus embodied and God in flesh!

Join us for Prayer

Each Tuesday evening at 7pm (eastern), we gather to pray to God on behalf of others and one another.

Join us for Bible Study

On the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month at 7:30pm, we have a discussion based Bible Study.