What to expect at intention

At Intention, we’re mostly digital. This means that, while you can join any of our gatherings from anywhere, we encourage you to participate with friends, family, and community—whether they join you online or in-person!
We would love for you to turn your camera on (your faces make us happy!), but you certainly don’t have to.
On Sundays:
- We meet at 4pm (eastern time) for around 75 minutes.
- THERE IS NO SERMON DURING OUR GATHERING. All of our messages are made available ahead of time (by Thursday at the latest), as well as discussion questions. You’ll want to watch them before we meet if you can (they’ll always be less than 15 minutes!). You can catch them here. If you can’t watch beforehand, don’t worry!
- We have breakout rooms. One of the reasons we provide discussion questions with the messages is to give you food for thought, and we want everyone to share that food. On Sundays, we typically spend around 20-25 minutes in breakout rooms where we can share a bit more intimately before we gather in the larger meeting and share with everyone. We believe the Spirit speaks more powerfully through a multitude of voices!
- We celebrate communion EVERY Sunday! You’ll want to bring some crackers or pretzels and juice or wine (or whatever you can get your hands on). We close every Sunday gathering by remembering the body of Christ.
On Tuesdays:
- We meet at 7pm (eastern time) for around 60 minutes.
- We Pray. That’s it. We prayer over prayer requests that have been submitted, and we spend some time praying for others and each other. Wherever the Spirit leads us on any given Tuesday.
- We meet at 7pm (eastern time) for around 60 minutes.
On Thursdays:
- We meet at 7:30pm (eastern time) every 1st & 3rd Thursday for around 60 minutes.
- Unless we’re doing something special, you won’t need to bring any books or anything. At times, we’ll spend weeks on a topic. Sometimes it’ll be a book of the Bible. But mostly? We just want to spend more time reflecting on how this ageless, sacred text of ours shapes our souls today.
- We meet at 7:30pm (eastern time) every 1st & 3rd Thursday for around 60 minutes.