Give with Intention
Giving is one of the many ways that we participate in community and connect with God. God’s love is made known through God sharing the very essence of divinity with creation.
In Acts 2, the Spirit makes a home among the followers of Jesus, and their response to the outpouring of God’s Spirit is the formation of community, the sharing of meals, and the giving and sharing of resources.
We do not view giving as a demand, but as a response to the awe inspiring generosity and presence of God, and the opportunity to participate in life-giving community.
Where do my donations go?
Our projected budget is $24,000 per year ($2,000/month). Of that amount, 50% is allocated to staffing, and 50% is directed toward operations (including technical overhead, supporting the Central District Conference & MCUSA, and the planning & cost of in-person gatherings).
We are currently funded in part by grants, and partially by the charitable giving of people like you. (Thank you!)
Should giving levels allow, our dream is to assemble a team capable of facilitating charitable giving and mutual aid.
Giving Online Made Easy
We’ve made giving online easy! You can give with every major card through PayPal by clicking here!
How can I make a donation?
- Give online: The easiest way to donate is online, and you can give by clicking here.
- Mail a donation: You can also send donations through the mail. Please address payments to:
The Intention Churchc/o Central District ConferencePO BOX 1199
Goshen, IN 46527
Make checks payable to: Central District ConferenceFor: The Intention Church(please be sure to include this in the memo line)