For reflection:
- How can we be salty in a Jesus-like way?
- How have you experienced light in a time of darkness?
- In what ways do we hide our light?
- In what ways can we shine brightly?
- What does salt and light have to do with the Kingdom of Heaven?
Digging Deeper:
Matthew 5:13-16
- What might cause salt to “lose it’s saltiness?”
- Why does Jesus go from the imagery of light to the image of a town on a hill and back to light again?
- Are we supposed to let people see our good deeds like Jesus says here (Matthew 5:16), or to do them in private like Jesus says later in this sermon? (Matthew 6:1)
Quotes and Questions:
When we can recognize that we are part of what makes creation remarkable, we can appreciate the truth of who we are.
- What can we do to recognize that we (& others) are a part of what makes creation remarkable?
- In your own words, what is the truth of who we are in Jesus?
Additional questions to consider throughout the week:
- How have you experienced salt & light from others in your interactions with them?
- What are some tangible ways you can “glorify” God through your actions and interactions with others?