Genesis 1 (NRSV)

20 And God said, “Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the dome of the sky.” 21 So God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moves, of every kind, with which the waters swarm and every winged bird of every kind. And God saw that it was good. 22 God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.” 23 And there was evening and there was morning, the fifth day.

Here are some questions for reflection:

1. What might it mean for us today that God not only creates life but also actively blesses it and encourages it to flourish?  How can we incorporate this principle into our daily lives and relationships?

2. What are some ways that we might be limiting the fruitful abundance that God desires to bring into our lives?  How might we adjust our thinking to be more able to receive God’s abundance of mercy, grace, joy, and peace?

3. God created animals that swim, animals that fly, and animals that traverse the land. What can we learn about the value of diversity within the body of Christ and in our community by this? How does diversity enrich our world?

4. God commands that creation “be fruitful and multiply”. How does this call emphasize the importance of living out God’s kingdom now?  How can we actively participate in God’s work of renewal in creation and in relationships with others?

5. From chaos comes life. In each passage up to now we have witnessed God creating another layer from the past leading up to now where he has created life. No matter the chaos today, tomorrow brings life. What signs today in the chaos can we read as hope for tomorrow bringing a fruitful life?

6. All that God has wrought up on the earth is miraculous. The depths of the sea and the heights of the sky mark a vastness we can’t comprehend. In what way might this help us to rely on the faithfulness of God instead of our own need/desire for understanding?

7. The chaotic waters, the arrival of birds, and the command to be fruitful. Whether we are reading today’s passages, today’s sermon, or even Genesis 8 after the flood — God creates something from the chaos and the storm — and birds bring a message of hope from above.  When have you relied on your faith and the Holy Spirit to come out of a storm/chaos in your life and found God had created something new and wonderful for you?

8. God created the world first with the simple things of water and light. When you consider the chaos of your life at times, what signs are you looking for from God? Are you looking for the simple or the complex?

If you’d like to dig a little deeper, consider the following:

In God’s wake life follows. Jesus simply asked us to follow Him and His commands. In the second half of John 10:10 Jesus talks about bringing life abundantly. By following in His wake, how has Jesus shown you a more abundant life?