Genesis 2 (CEB)
1 The heavens and the earth and all who live in them were completed. 2 On the sixth day God completed all the work that he had done, and on the seventh day God rested from all the work that he had done. 3 God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all the work of creation.
Rest is holy.
Here are some questions for reflection:
1. God says the Sabbath day is “holy.” What does that mean to you?
2. Not just the sabbath— but celebrating in general brings people together. How might sabbath & celebration help build more loving unity among our brothers and sisters?
3. If sin deprives us of rest, consider the words in Matthew 5:21-45 about thinking about murder and adultery. How much rest are we depriving ourselves of in our own thoughts? What do you do to help reorient your thoughts to be less sinful in this nature?
4. God prepares a table for us before our enemies. A simple table, filled only with the basics of physical sustenance AND the presence of God. Do we tend to look past this for something more? How can we refocus on being sustained with what God has provided?
5. Living in a culture geared toward productivity and our individual religious backgrounds combine to shape our concepts of Sabbath rest. How do you think these things have personally influenced your idea of rest? Has the effect been positive or negative in your spiritual development or ability to find and practice rest?
6. How did you get here today? There is no gatekeeper. All that click that link are allowed in. How might this level of inclusion reflect God’s plan for mankind on this Holy day of sabbath?
7. In Matthew 11:28-30 Jesus invites us to “find rest in Him” and in Mark 2:27 He states that “Sabbath was made for man, not man for Sabbath,” How does His invitation and clarification of Sabbath tie into the rest, blessing, and holiness described in Genesis 2?
8. How does taking the time to contently rest connect with trusting in God’s Sovereignty and provision? What does this teach us about our need to surrender our efforts to God?
If you’d like to dig a little deeper, consider the following:
1. How do we both retain both a radical pacifism and radical activism with the understanding that contented centrism is only hurting the under-served and marginalized?
2. Genesis 2:2-3(CEB) state that God had completed creation SO he rested and then he blessed and made it holy BECAUSE he had rested. This signals that the fullness of His completion and his blessing were the qualifiers for the establishment of making it Holy. How does this make you feel, especially when times are uncertain?
3. In the message, Trey asks the question “Can we approach God well if you do not rest well?” How did you feel when you heard that? What is your reaction when you hear the words “you were made for rest”?
4. What is the difference between a reward and an inheritance? If rest is a reward, then what are the qualifications? If rest is an inheritance, then how do we receive it?
5. How does objectifying people remove their inheritance of rest? In what ways do we see society dehumanizing/objectifying people under the guise of profit or worth?
6. The author of Hebrews warns us to “take care that you do not fail to reach the inheritance of rest and that you do not fail to help others reach it also.” What does that warning mean to you? What might heeding it look like?
7. In what ways do you find yourself missing out on your inheritance of rest? What things can you change to become rested?